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Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
Penfield and Jasper (1938) considered absences as expression of "centrencephalic epilepsy". Proceedings: A multifactorial analysis of focal and generalized cortico-reticular (centrencephalic) epilepsy. Andermann E, Matrakos JD. Epilepsia, 13(2):348-349, 01 Apr 1972 Cited by: 2 articles | PMID: 4217694 Jump to Content Jump to Main Navigation. Sign in Sign up Home COVID-19 Journals Publish Before Print For Authors For Librarians About Us Submit Subscribe centrencephalic epilepsy-does it exist? THEconcept of certain types of epilepsy arising within the diencephalon and mesencephalon is undoubtedly attractive.
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Epileptic seizures cause brief impulses in movement, behavior, sensation or awareness that may cause brain damage. Epilepsy is a group o These are known causes, common risk factors, and seizure triggers. These are known causes, common risk factors, and seizure triggers. Because "epilepsy" is actually an umbrella term for a group of neurological disorders, it can have many ca Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. It can affect people of all ages and sexes and, though seizures are the most common sign, epilepsy can cause other symptoms as well.
1967-07-01 1968-06-01 Epileptic automatism and the centrencephalic integrating system. Epileptic automatism and the centrencephalic integrating system Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1952;30:513-28. Author Epilepsy / pathology* Epilepsy, Absence* Centrencephalic Epilepsy.
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
Also known as: Seizure grand mal / Generalized tonic-clonic Seizure / Seizures, Tonic-Clonic / Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures / Grand More recently, however, it has been suggested that some forms of generalized epilepsy, particularly those associated with three per-second spike-wave paroxysms on EEG, are due not to pathology in a centrencephalic “pacemaker,” but to generalized hyperexcitability of cortical neurons (Gloor, 1979). Correlations between the electro‐clinical evolution of 43 patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy and their daily urinary electrolyte excretions have been presented. 2.
Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
Contributions of the intracarotid sodium amytal and metrazol tests to the understanding of the mechanism of "centrencephalic" epilepsy. Metrakos and Metrakos (1961) concluded that the centrencephalic type of electroencephalogram (associated with 'centralopathic epilepsy') is an expression of an autosomal dominant gene, with the unusual characteristics of a very low penetrance at birth, a rapid rise to nearly complete penetrance for ages 4.5 to 16.5 years, and a gradual decline to almost no penetrance after the age of 40.5 years. In this form of epilepsy, seizures of varying clinical appearance are associated with paroxysmal THE EXPERIMENTAL evidence for the concept of a "centrencephalic" origin for seizures rests on the fact that bilateral epileptic discharge can be set up in homologous areas of the two hemispheres following stimulation of subcortical structures. Centrencephalic epilepsy refers to a neurological disorder characterized by seizures and sometimes unconsciousness which can be traced to the center regions of the brain. PENFIELD JASPER^ have stressed these in support of centrencephalic epilepsy, a term which implies that the epileptic discharge arises in this part of the brain. There is, in most cases, no evidence of unilateral 702 ANNOTATIONS localisation, and the EEG shows paroxysmal discharges which appear synchronously from homologous areas of the two hemispheres.
The prognosis is excellent; recovery is the rule. Nineteen epileptic patients with centrencephalic type of electrographic abnormalities were compared on a test of attention with sixty-five patients with focal abnormalities. The latter group performed better on the Continuous Performance Test, although the two groups were similar in their scores on the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale and in the duration of their illness. Epileptic automatism and the centrencephalic integrating system Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1952;30:513-28. Author
THE EXPERIMENTAL evidence for the concept of a "centrencephalic" origin for seizures rests on the fact that bilateral epileptic discharge can be set up in homologous areas of the two hemispheres following stimulation of subcortical structures.
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Articles. Activation of Brief communications am j psychiatry 133:3, march 1976 321 psychiatric presentations of seizure disorders Physicians must be alert to this possibility; they centrencephalic epilepsy cen·tren·ce·phal·ic ep·i·lep·sy an imprecise term referring to epilepsy characterized electroencephalographically by bilateral synchronous discharges, and clinically by absence or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Interictal focal or lateralized discharges occurring in the electroencephalograms of patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy.
The findings obtained, while emphasizing the marked CNS effects of chlorambucil suggest that the drug might be usefully employed as a convenient tool for reproducing experimentally the EEG patterns characteristic of “centrencephalic” epilepsy. RÉSUMÉ
home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / centrencephalic seizure definition Medical Definition of Centrencephalic seizure Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
In 20 cases there were clinical andlor electroencephalographic signs of centrencephalic epilepsy. In most of them, the electroencephalogram indicated centrencephalic epilepsy; in a few, it was either normal or showed a bilateral non-specific abnormality, but the clinical symptoms (myoclonic seizures, etc.) were suggestive of a subcortical origin.
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Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
2020-06-06 · Third, children with centrencephalic epilepsy were shown to have attention deficits, without recording actual subclinical seizures and EEG discharges .
Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
Articles. Activation of Brief communications am j psychiatry 133:3, march 1976 321 psychiatric presentations of seizure disorders Physicians must be alert to this possibility; they centrencephalic epilepsy cen·tren·ce·phal·ic ep·i·lep·sy an imprecise term referring to epilepsy characterized electroencephalographically by bilateral synchronous discharges, and clinically by absence or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Interictal focal or lateralized discharges occurring in the electroencephalograms of patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy. There is a special group of epilepsies whose primary source lies within so called “centrencephalic” regions and are commonly characterized by loss or impairment of consciousness during the attack and by a characteristic EEG pattern which shows bilaterally synchronous discharges of the spikes and wave complex of various frequency (Penfield-Jasper). Centrencephalic epilepsy and suboccipital derivations. Faber B, Hajnsek F. 1.
Adolescent; Adult; Basal Ganglia/physiopathology; Brain/physiopathology* Caudate Nucleus/physiopathology; Electric Stimulation; Electrodes, Implanted; Electroencephalography; Epilepsy… 1965-12-01 This is borne out by the correlations of the CPT with both verbal and performance intelligence, and with duration of illness (in the focal group). The primary disorder in patients classified as having centrencephalic epilepsy according to their EEG is believed to involve the central reticular network in the upper brain stem (7). Theseizures inthese twotypes ofepilepsy alsodiffer, thecentrencephalic seizures including 'absence' attacks, myoclonic jerks, akinetic attacks, andmajorseizures, while the attacks infocal cortical Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by cobalt in the brain stem reticular formation.