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Discover pagar meaning and improve your English skills! Meaning; PAGA: Public Address and General Alarm: PAGA: Private Attorney General Act of 2004 (California) PAGA: Proliferation-Associated Gene A: PAGA: Public Administration Graduate Association (student organization) PAGA: Polish American Golf Association (est. 1997) "Pagar algo" or "pagar por algo"? Hola. I'm confused about the use of "pagar" meaning to pay for something.
How to use pagan in a sentence. What Do pagan and heathen Really Mean? Many translated example sentences containing "pagar a plazos" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Pagare synonyms, Pagare pronunciation, Pagare translation, English dictionary definition of Pagare.
Paga acts as a mobile wallet where any user equipped with a mobile device Imperative (Command) Conjugation of pagar – Imperativo de pagar. Spanish Verb Conjugation: (tú) paga, (él / Ud) pague,… PAGA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms.
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los menores de tres años no pagan entrada children under three get in free. ya han pagado las bebidas the drinks have been paid for.
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[+compra] to pay for. [+intereses, hipoteca] to pay off, repay. paga 200 dólares de alquiler he pays 200 dollars in rent. los menores de tres años no pagan entrada children under three get in free. ya han pagado las bebidas the drinks have been paid for. 2021-04-10 · pagar (first-person singular present indicative pago, short past participle pago, long past participle pagado) to pay ( intransitive , transitive ) to give [someone] money in exchange for a good or service
And on the other side of the fence, that physical art, the physical performance of the stuntman, has interfaced with the very highest technology in I.T. and in software. pagar (also: tanah berpagar, lampiran) volume_up.
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belonging or relating to a religion that worships many gods, especially one that existed before…. Learn more. Learn about Pagar original meaning in the Bible using the Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - New American Standard. I'm confused about the use of "pagar" meaning to pay for something. In the dictionaries pagar = to pay, to pay for.
los menores de tres años no pagan entrada children under three get in free. ya han pagado las bebidas the drinks have been paid for. 2021-03-27 · pagar (first-person singular present indicative pago, short past participle pago, long past participle pagado) to pay ( intransitive , transitive ) to give [someone] money in exchange for a good or service And on the other side of the fence, that physical art, the physical performance of the stuntman, has interfaced with the very highest technology in I.T. and in software. pagar (also: tanah berpagar, lampiran) volume_up. enclosure {noun} What does pagar mean? Definitions for pagar pa·gar Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word pagar. Many translated example sentences containing "pagar" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.