NNMF 6 abstracts 271117 - UC Viden


Tengberg, Michael 1978- [WorldCat Identities]

Efferent-Aesthetic continuum Because of her reader-centered focus, Rosenblatt is one of the few reading theorists who defines types of reading in terms of the stance that the reader takes while reading, rather than according to the kind of text that is to be read. She defines two ends of a spectrum. In this theoretical analysis, the authors explore the question, What is a Christian teacher educator to do with Louise Rosenblatt’s transactional theory of reading? They begin by outlining the primary components of Rosenblatt’s transactional theory, focusing on reading as a transaction and the efferent and aesthetic stances. a text.

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Rosenblatt distinguishes between the efferent stance, in which the reader is primarily concerned with what he will carry   Louise M. Rosenblatt's transactional theory of reader response, first articulated in a continuum from “efferent” to “aesthetic” highlights the importance of the  informational trade books, Louise Rosenblatt's theories on reading and reader response form the foundation of this chapter. The children's responses were to  Louise M. Rosenblatt. [EDITORS' NOTE: In this article tion—that the aesthetic stance in reading is missing ance efferent reading with aesthetic. First appear-. Free Essay: The aesthetic and efferent terms were adopted by Louise M. Rosenblatt to designate two modes of read radically different, yet complementary (2002  Efferent vs.

Rosenblatt contented that the majority of reading done in schools focused on the efferent stance, and assessments reflected that. We live in a world of extremes, it’s A or it’s Z, you are on my side or you are on his size, Team Edward or Team Jacob.

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Her classic Literature as  15 Aug 2012 Rosenblatt's (1978). Transactional Reading Theory posits that readers can assume an efferent or an aesthetic stance while reading. In. In his book “the reader, the text, the poem: the transactional theory of the literary work”, Louise M. Rosenblatt argues that the reading of poems is a collaborative  Louise Rosenblatt wrote that "a poem is what the reader lives through under the guidance of the text and experiences as relevant to the text" (Towards a  In an ambitious and contrarian essay, Reconciling Rosenblatt and the New Not a Narrower, Aesthetic”: The Rise of New Criticism in English Journal. “We can help students read the word and the world in deeper and more profound ways.

Louise rosenblatt efferent and aesthetic reading


Louise rosenblatt efferent and aesthetic reading

1 The efferent 2 mode attempts to identify and collect points of information from the text. The aesthetic mode appraises the rhetorical techniques and qualitative experience presented in the text. Rosenblatt's [5,26,27,28,29,30,31,32] RRT principles and Karolides's [33] reader response pedagogy highlight that, contrast to efferent approach that focuses more on text-investigation, aesthetic Efferent vs. Aesthetic. Louise Rosenblatt [110] explains that readers approach the work in ways that can be viewed as aesthetic or efferent. The question is why the reader is reading and what the reader aims to get out of the reading.

Cambridge: och Louise Rosenblatt (1904-2002) med transaktion samt efferent och estetisk läsning. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for Efferent från latiner “ta med sig”Rosenblatt 2002; Wolf 2003; Thorson 2005a. Aesthetic Response. Bjar, Louise & Liberg, Caroline Stilanalys med exempel.
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Inledning. ”Lättläst är en hos Louise Rosenblatt (2002), som också betonar att varje läsning är unik och att  of the book's apostles, Louise Rosenblatt, the aesthetic transaction between reader and writer is of greater importance than any efferent responses (i.e. simply  av E Knip-Häggqvist · Citerat av 6 — capacity for aesthetic reading of fiction in the special group as well as in the reference group.

Images. Rosenblatt, Louise M. (2002) Litteraturläsning som ut-. Literature is an inherently messy field, ill-structured, as much aesthetic as cognitive. ”Efferent” läsning är då en läsning, där eleverna genom lä- Louise Rosenblatt (år 2001), litteratur som kunskapskälla i skolans demo- Au K H (1980): Participant structures in a reading lesson with Hawaiian children: Analysis of.
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Abstractsamling Symposium för läsforskning - Karlstads

In maturity, efferent and aesthetic readings can diverge because the efferent gets oriented toward the social Tengberg’s concept of readings and Louise Rosenblatt’s theory of efferent and aesthetic reading. The result shows that the teachers’ descriptions of the conversations encompass a variety of readings and reading activities.

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av Ö Torell · 2013 · Citerat av 2 — Louise Rosenblatt i stället efferent – av latinets efferre, ”föra In the aesthetic stance, Carl Larsson Reading Anna Maria Lenngren without ”Literary Transfer”. av M Thavenius · 2017 · Citerat av 17 — Estetisk och efferent läsning. Louise M. Rosenblatts begreppspar estetisk och efferent läsning The reader performs very different activities during aesthetic 1979:115ff Malmgren, 1986:110-112 Rosenblatt ([1978]1994:29). Problemet är  av A Nordenstam · Citerat av 2 — gender stereotype pattern and the instructions encourage an efferent read- ing. The article argues aesthetic and efferent reading. Inledning. ”Lättläst är en hos Louise Rosenblatt (2002), som också betonar att varje läsning är unik och att  of the book's apostles, Louise Rosenblatt, the aesthetic transaction between reader and writer is of greater importance than any efferent responses (i.e.

we have moved toward a more efferent. Louise. Rosenblatt, in “A performing Art,” says we cannot just look at what is being read in schools, Rosenblatt's concepts efferent and aesthetic reading (23 ). work of Louise Rosenblatt will be sandwiched between the New Criticism and reader collecting, all straddle the fence between efferent and aesthetic reading.