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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Exakta 66 Model 2 Medium Format SLR Film Camera Body Only at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The Exakta 66 is an SLR camera taking 6×6cm pictures on 120 or 220 film. It was announced by the West German Ihagee Kamerawerk (Ihagee West) at the 1984 Photokina, and sold from 1986. It was followed by the Exakta 66 Model II, then the Exakta 66 III released c.1996. In 1953, a brief attempt was made at reviving a 6×6cm model, this time with the film vertically running in interchangeable backs, but this second Exakta 66 was also short-lived.
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Exakta 66 camera instruction manual. Exakta 66 Posted 10-3-'04 If you are looking for the other Exakta 6X6, check here.
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Pre-war Exakta 66 CZJ Tessar 8cm/2.8 #2528225, coated, manual (14) aperture blades, coating marks, CLA'd 2021, Ex $29 5. Post-war Exakta 66 CZJ Tessar 80 / 2.8 T #3514618, pre-set (15) aperture blades, coating marks, CLA'd 2021, Ex- $ 225. The Exakta (sometimes Exacta) was a camera produced by the Ihagee Kamerawerk in Dresden, Germany, founded as the Industrie und Handels-Gesellschaft mbH, in 1912.The inspiration and design of both the VP Exakta and the Kine Exakta are the work of the Ihagee engineer Karl Nüchterlein (see Richard Hummel's Spiegelreflexkameras aus Dresden), who did not survive the Second World War. Exakta exacta 66 con biometar 2,8 80 mm + flektogon 50 mm mirino esposimetrico Single lens reflex camera (SLR) - Good Exacta 66 with Biometar 2.8 80 mm + Flektogon 50 mm, pentane viewfinder with light meter.
Keh Model# 341854 . Compare Model Add to Wish List. Share. $0.00. Skip to the end of the images
Schneider KREUZNACH XENOTAR MF 2.8/80 EXAKTA 66 / PENTACON SIX P6. $1,390.00. $11.60 shipping.
Hyra boende nykvarn
The 80mm standard lenses in Exakta 66 style.
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specifikationer gäller för modell 900mc, både generation 1 och generation 2, om inte annat Det stora arket är 66,0 X 96,5 centimeter och 0,05 centimeter tjockt. General-modell).