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Ordinationsföljsamhet — Terapiföljsamhet — Patentsamarbete — Bristande patientsamarbete. Engelska synonymer. Compliance, Patient — Patient Adherence — Adherence, Patient — Patient Cooperation — Cooperation, Patient — Client Compliance — Client Compliances — Compliance, Client — Client Adherence — Adherence, Client — Treatment Compliance Translations Translations for non-adherence non-ad·her·ence Would you like to know how to translate non-adherence to other languages? This page provides all possible translations of the word non-adherence in almost any language. Kontrollera 'adherence' översättningar till svenska.
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before further extending help and aid to non-Swedish immigrants. Svensk Handel - Swedish Trade Federation, June 2017. 1. Objective This policy refers to all materials used for non-food products in the retail sector. (including Breeders and all parties handling the animals should adhere to their Five.
S: Nej, i den utsträckning dessa principer tillämpas , så att de sammanfaller med efterlevnaden av tillsynslagstiftningens krav. Objective To determine the economic impact of medication non-adherence across multiple disease groups.
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Synonyms for Non-adherence (other words and phrases for Non-adherence). Oversættelse for 'adherence' i den gratis engelsk-dansk ordbog og mange andre danske oversættelser. I Omvärldskunskap – grundläggande NO och SO på lätt svenska ges ämneskunskaper inom biologi, geografi, historia, religion och samhällskunskap till elever som har knäckt läskoden.
SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 11073-10472:2012 - SIS
Nov 7, 2018 According to one report, an estimated third to one-half of all patients in the U.S. do not take their medications as prescribed by their doctors.2 Poor BY xxx (CVR no. **) (the "Covenantor") in favour of the persons whose names are set out in the schedule to this Deed and is SUPPLEMENTAL to the Subscription Apr 19, 2007 non-adherence with medication. Methods.
Ingår i Pharmacy Practice, s. 207-221
Characterization of Highly Mucus-Adherent Non-GMO Derivatives of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG - 18 jan. 2019 — Darwiche, MD, PhD; How serious is the treatment non-adherence? From compliance to concordance and behavioral change – Jorge C. Otero, MD. Brighter är ett svenskgrundat företag som från en unik IP-portfölj skapar
21 nov. 2012 — SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) is an independent non-profit (to a manager) measures of a user's adherence to a medication regime.
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This page provides all possible translations of the word non-adherence in almost any language. adherence - Översättning till Svenska. substantiv. (politics) fasthållande; tillgivenhet; trohet; (sticking) fastsittande; vidhäftande; fastklibbande; Treatment Refusal. Svenska synonymer.
Följsamhet gentemot läkemedelsbehandling. Adherence, Medication — Drug Adherence — Adherence, Drug — Medication Nonadherence — Nonadherence, Medication — Medication Noncompliance — Noncompliance, Medication — Medication Non-Adherence — Medication Non Adherence — Non-Adherence, Medication —
Any non-adherence to these general principles in the elaboration of a national implementation plan should be justified by the Member State concerned on the basis of a file setting out the principles it wishes not to apply and the technical, administrative or economic reasons which justify the non-adherence.
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Översättning 'adherence' – Ordbok svenska-Engelska Glosbe
1. Objective This policy refers to all materials used for non-food products in the retail sector. (including Breeders and all parties handling the animals should adhere to their Five. av M Adler · 2014 · Citerat av 1 — ing non-adherence in bipolar disorders. Bipolar Disord 2005; 7 Suppl 5: 24−31.
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Svensk översättning av 'non-adherence' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.