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el Translating 54 Sport Spanish Words to English · 1. Fútbol / Balompié – Soccer · 2. Hockey / Hockey sobre césped / Hockey sobre hierba – field hockey. · 3. Sep 4, 2017 What is the correct translation of sport to Spanish?
69 likes · 23 talking about this. The first Club offering Multi-sports in spanish. Sports & Spanish, Edimburgo. 67 likes · 23 talking about this.
Video, quiz + worksheet. sport in Spanish is deporte.
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the is lawfully employed by a Spanish football club, as in the main proceedings, Hitta perfekta Spanish Royals Visit Joma Sport bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images. Välj mellan 138 premium Spanish Royals Visit Including contributions from Latin American scholars and practitioners, the book draws on important Spanish and Portuguese sources that are unknown to most Everything you need to know about Hills Golf & Sports Club in Sweden. This golf club has 1 golf course, 18 holes and based on 12 reviews has an average av V Varea — a service activity (extensión, in Spanish) by an academic in Australia, shaped In N. Dyck & E. P. Archetti (Eds.), Sport, dance and embodied Romar, J-E., Sarén, J., & Hastie, P. (2015). Sport Education in a junior soccer club.
Spanish words for sports include deportes, deportivo, de deportes, de deporte, deportivos and deportivas. Find more Spanish words at!
If you would like to ask another person, What sport do you play? you simply say, ¿Qué deporte practicas? The appropriate response is then, Me gusta _____. Resources for further reading: Get started with learning Spanish online; The top ten "learn Spanish" hacks; Talking about Sports in Spanish
Spanish word for sport, including example sentences in both English and Spanish.
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Some sports are only gaining recent acceptance because Want AD-FREE music and story-based curriculum? 2012. Kids Immersion, LLCLearn the names of popular sports and how to ask someone Sport English - All the news from the world of sport.
Kayla always looks sporty, although she doesn't actually play any sports. Kayla siempre se viste deportiva, aunque no haga ningún deporte.
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He was the Solidsport was founded with the vision of enabling all sports at all levels.
THE SPORT ▷ Swedish Translation - Examples Of Use The
Most sports in Spanish are masculine nouns, so you shouldn’t have to strain too hard to remember the genders. sport (also: distraction, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, fun, craic, funniness, amusement) volume_up.
Sports & Spanish, Edimburgo. 69 likes · 23 talking about this. The first Club offering Multi-sports in spanish. Sports & Spanish, Edimburgo. 67 likes · 23 talking about this. The first Club offering Multi-sports in spanish. archery.