educational field - Swedish translation – Linguee
Europeisk manual för erkännande av kvalifikationer för - UHR
(if applicable) Country/ Country code, UK should be used to find the ISCED 2013 detailed field of education and training. 8 Circulating [Erasmus code of the receiving institution]. Subject area code [ISCED], Subject area name, Study cycle [short cycle, 1st , 2nd or 3rd], Number of student mobility FROM. [Erasmus code of the sending institution]. TO. [Erasmus code of the receiving institution]. Subject area code * [ISCED], Subject area name *, Study cycle Erasmus code, NL LEIDEN 01. Address Country / country code, The Netherlands / NL. Faculty code).
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Erasmus code. (if applicable). Faculty/Department. Address, Country/ Country code be used to find the ISCED 2013 detailed field of education and training.
étudiants inscrits - Traduction suédoise – Linguee
If you have been nominated, you will receive an email from or with the following information: the links with the courses catalogues, and forms for Student Application Form, and Room Reservation Form. ERASMUS-Code der Gasthochschule und ISCED-Fachcode Land Externe Institutionen Erasmus Code ISCED Belgien KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 054 - Mathematics and statistics Belgien Université de Mons B MONS21 0714 - Electronics and automation Bulgarien American University in Bulgaria BG BLAGOEV03 06 - Information and Communication Technologies Bulgarien Sofia University 'St.
Utbildning och universitetsforskning - Regeringen
It will be implemented in EU data collections from 2016 The old Erasmus codes contain a dot, whereas the ISCED 1997 (FOET 1999) codes do not. ISCED code – Subject Area Code (Inter-institutional agreements cover particular subject areas; students/erasmus-in ISCED 0111 Education Science- available agreement* (not applicable now, but in the future): SMS:1st 2nd and STA Latvia Ventspils University College LV VENTS Programma LLP/ERASMUS - codici ISCED (ex Aree Disciplinari ERASMUS) Isced Description 4436 Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing ERA-07.6 4437 Meteorology ERA-07.7 4438 Oceanography ERA-13.8 4439 Others – Geography, Geology ERA-07.9 46 Mathematics and statistics ERA-11.0 461 Mathematics ERA-11.1 462 Statistics ERA-11.2 Erasmus + Policy Statement Kozminski University, founded in 1993, is a private institution of higher education with full academic rights. The university has obtained Polish and international accreditations, as well as excellent results in global and national educational rankings which shows the high quality of its programs and services. If you have been nominated, you will receive an email from or with the following information: the links with the courses catalogues, and forms for Student Application Form, and Room Reservation Form. ERASMUS Descrizione aree disciplinari ERASMUS Equivalente ISCED Descrizione ISCED97. 13.6 Biochemistry 421 Biology and biochemistry 13.7 Astronomy, Astrophysics 441 Physics 13.8 Oceanography 443 Earth science 13.9 Others - Natural Sciences 429 Life science (others) 14.0 Social Sciences 31 Social and behavioural science 2020-08-08 Bizi Sosyal Medyada Takip Edin .
11/11/14 - SRI PARTENAIRES ERASMUS MOBILITE PREVUE 2014-2021 2/11 Pays Universités partenaires Code Erasmus+ Composante Département ou domaine d'études Niveau Code ISCED Durée de l'accord ROYAUME-UNI Leeds Metropolitan University UK LEEDS02 AI Anglais L 023 2014/2016 ROYAUME-UNI University of Aberdeen UK ABERDEE01 AI Anglais L 023 2014-2015
L'ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education, classificazione internazionale standard dell'istruzione) è uno standard creato dall'UNESCO come sistema internazionale di classificazione dei corsi di studio e dei relativi titoli
Erasmus+ for studies: comparative tables of field of studies (ISCED and ERA Codes) ISCED Codes ERA Codes ISCED_Unesco: field of studies Erasmus+ Programme Cod_ERA : field of studies LLP/Erasmus Programme ISCED descrizione Cod_ERA descizione 003 Personal skills and development 16.0 ALTRE AREE DI STUDIO
ISCED‐Codes (Fächercodes) der Universität Bonn Hochschulcode der Universität Bonn für ERASMUS: D BONN01 ECHE‐Nummer: 29901‐EPP‐1‐2014‐DE‐EPPKA3‐ECHE Fakultäten Studienrichtungen (hierunter können ggf. verschiedene Studiengänge fallen) Nummer Subject Code
UFR Arts et Sciences Humaines Codes ISCED Anthropologie 0314 Archéologie 0222 Enseignement et formation 0114 Histoire de l'art 0213 Histoire 0222 Histoire de l'alimentation 0222 Musicologie 0215 Philosophie 0223 Psychologie 0313 Sociologie 0314 Communication visuelle, conception graphique et multimédia 61 Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la
Subject Area Codes ISCED Codes Erasmus Partner Institutions Giving lectures at NCU (STA - Staff Teaching Assignments) If you would like to enrich our offer with your lectures, NCU would be glad to host you in Toruń.
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Bezeichnung ISCED.
What should I do? Erasmus Subject Code --> ISCED Code (EN) Subj Code SC Text Isced Description 01.0 Agricultural Sciences 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery ERA-01.0 01.1 Agriculture 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) ERA-01.1 01.2 Agricultural Economics 6201 Agricultural Economics ERA-01.2 01.3 Food Science and Technology 6202 Food
Subject Erasmus Description Subject codes Isced Code Subject ISCED Description Agricultural Sciences 01.0 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery Agriculture 01.1 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) Agricultural Economics 01.2 629 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others) Food Science and Technology 01.3 541 Food processing
ISCED Codes der Hochschule München | Erasmus+ . FK Studiengang Code Bezeichnung ISCED 01 .
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Sweden-Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan. Study Level. Postgraduate / Master. ISCED-Code. Studieämne: [för examen vid sändande högskola] Kod: [ISCED-F code] Learning Agreement för Erasmus+-student- och praktikantmobilitet.
Kick Off, februari 2016 Informationspass #1 för - LiU students
Address. Duca degli. Abruzzi, 24,. 10129 Torino. Country/.
The latest revision, ISCED 2011, concentrated primarily on changes to the levels of education of programmes (ISCED-P) and introduced, for the first time, a classification of LIST OF SUBJECT AREA - CODES ISCED - (01.0 Agricultural Sciences) 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (01.1 Agriculture) 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) (01.2 Agricultural Economics) 629 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others) (01.3 Food Science and Technology) 541 Food processing (01.4 Horticulture) 622 Horticulture The majority of codes are the same for ISCED-P and ISCED-A but there are also some exceptions, in particular in the case of short programmes for which educational attainment is downgraded to the lower ISCED level. ISCED-F 2013 - ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 - is a classification of fields of education, which accompanies ISCED The International Standard Classification of Education provides a comprehensive framework for organising education programmes and qualification by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions to facilitate comparisons of education systems across countries. ISCED is a widely-used a global reference classification for education systems ISCED-Codes_Erasmus.xlsx 0923 Social work and counseling Social Services 1011 Domestic services 1012 Hair and beauty services 1014 Sports Sport Sciences and Physical Education 1015 Travel, tourism and leisure Tourism 1021 Community sanitation 1022 Occupational health and safety 1031 Military and defence 1032 Protection of personsand property Code isced erasmus 2021. This tool allows you to identify which of the new 2013 ISCED-F codes that are used for Erasmus+ corresponds to the ISCED1997 (FOET 1999) codes or the old Erasmus codes. Field of Education Code (ISCED Codes) Code Describtion 0111 Education science 0112 Training for pre ‐ school teachers 0114 Teacher training with subject specialization 0211 Audio ‐ visual techniques and media production 0215 Music and performing arts 022 Humanities (except languages) Title: ISCED-Codes_TUM Erasmus+Outgoing_mit Schools.xls Author: March Created Date: 10/29/2020 4:09:05 PM ISCED is a product of international agreement and was adopted formally by the General Conference of UNESCO Member States. 2. The latest revision, ISCED 2011, concentrated primarily on changes to the levels of education of programmes (ISCED-P) and introduced, for the first time, a classification of Erasmus Subject Code --> ISCED Code (EN) Subj Code SC Text Isced Description 01.0 Agricultural Sciences 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery ERA-01.0 01.1 Agriculture 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) ERA-01.1 01.2 Agricultural Economics 6201 Agricultural Economics ERA-01.2 01.3 Food Science and Technology 6202 Food Subject Erasmus Description Subject codes Isced Code Subject ISCED Description Agricultural Sciences 01.0 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery Agriculture 01.1 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) Agricultural Economics 01.2 629 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others) Food Science and Technology 01.3 541 Food processing List of the ISCED Codes used by Egracons 0011 - Basic programmes and qualifications 0021 - Literacy and numeracy 0031 - Personal skills and development 0100 - Education, not further defined 0110 - Education, not further defined 0111 - Education science 0112 - Training for pre-school teachers 0113 - Teacher training without subject specialisation Please note, the ISCED Code (International Standard Classification of Education Code) is a statistical framework for organizing fields of education and training used in the Erasmus+ Programme and will be needed when completing Erasmus Grant forms and Learning Agreements as will the Erasmus Code.