Ie o eg - Faktoider


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i.e.: from the Latin phrase id est, "that is." Used in English to. I.e. and e.g. are both Latin abbreviations. E.g. stands for exempli gratia and means “for example.” I.e. is the abbreviation for id est and means “in other words. Feb 6, 2018 Even the best of writers can get some of the "small things" (like ie vs. eg) wrong!

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logins, gaming frequency, deposits, winnings, bonuses and games played, promotions and services you have taken part in – i.e. if  The intumescent mats contained flame retardant (FR) i.e. expandable graphite (EG) with four different expansion ratios and alumina trihydrate (ATH). All natural  kursplaner beaktar de EG-direktiv som gäller för sjuksköterske- och directives. Sweden (i.e.

the process of post-glacial rebound), i.e. during the Iron Age, sometime between circa 500 BCE and 500 CE. Egypticus, which was also active at e.g. Grötlingbo and Hablingo churches, located elsewhere on Gotland.

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Claude Bernard  Svensk översättning av 'e.g.' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. I.e. is an abbreviation for the phrase id est, which means "that is." I.e. is used to restate something said previously in order to clarify its meaning. E.g. is short for exempli gratia, which means "for example." E.g. is used before an item or list of items that serve as examples for the previous statement.

Eg and ie

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Eg and ie

It is from the Latin exempli gratia. i.e.

a) eg. lecture-notebook; b) se -ium 2 b  innehåller "i. e.

– et cetera – means and others. e.g. – exempli gratia – means for example.

Etymologi: Av latinska id est med samma betydelse. Se även: e.g. Huvudsakliga översättningar.
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would be "e.d." for ejemplo dado? Thanks! Apr 4, 2015 I.e. for “id est” – translating as “that is”. And e.g. from “exempli gratia” from “for the sake of example” (for example).

I.e. and e.g. are both abbreviations for Latin terms. I.e. stands for id est and means roughly "that is." E.g. stands for  i.e.