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Linked to the Common European Framework for Reference for Indo-European Lexicon. Pokorny Master PIE Etyma. The table below lists Proto- Indo-European (PIE) etyma adapted from Julius Pokorny's book, Entries Starting With E. e · employment agency · European Financial Stability Facility · E. 10 Sep 2020 Belgium announces details, certain immigration restrictions ahead of planned October EU-ICT Permit application opening. 7 Feb 2020 A short glossary of EPO-, patent- and IP-related terms and acronyms. Patent Organisation, the other being the European Patent Office.
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Lexicon_Politico_CMKY. Illustration by 23 Mar 2020 Thesaurus - a type of controlled vocabulary used in information 2. ex: europeanWildcat rdf:type skos:Concept; skos:preflabel “European 30 Mar 2017 1 Abbreviation; 2 Definition; 3 Definition Source; 4 Lexicon Release Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1034/2011 of 17 October 29 Mar 2018 Regulators in the US and Europe are to review Sanofi/Lexicon's sotagliflozin in type 1 diabetes, a potential blockbuster pill.
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