Manufacturer Mölnlycke Health Care AB Gamlestadsvägen


Buy Mepilex Products Online in Sweden at Best Prices

We use cookies to improve your use and experience of Mölnlycke’s websites. Mepilex ® absorbent foam dressing is trusted around the world to treat a wide range of chronic and acute wounds. The product is easily conformable and highly absorbent, to effectively manage wound exudate. Every Mepilex wound dressing includes Safetac ® – the original less-pain contact layer with silicone adhesion. – so you can remove it easily without damaging the skin . . Mextra Superabsorbent wound dressing Mextra ® Superabsorbent has a high fluid absorption and retention capacity - .

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The fluid-repellent backing prevents external contamination of the wound and protects clothes and bed linen from Molnlycke Mepilex Soft Silicone Absorbent Foam Dressing 4"x4" Box of 5 is a soft and highly conformable foam dressing that absorbs exudates and maintains a moist wound environment. The Safetac® technology prevents Mepilex® from sticking to the wound bed, yet adheres gently to the surrounding skin allowing easy application of secondary fixation. Five different dressing types of Mepilex are available at They include the Mepilex Absorbent Dressing, Mepilex Lite Dressing, Mepilex Ag Dressing, and Mepilex Transfer Dressings.

Mölnlycke Health Care Kompress Gasväv Osteril 5x5cm 1 · 66 Kr · Mölnlycke Health Care Mölnlycke Mefix Självhäftande Väv 10mx10c · 114 Kr. tilf.


Tillfälligt slut. Antal: 1 062,50 kr.

Molnlycke absorbent dressing

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Molnlycke absorbent dressing

Mesorb dressing  Mepilex® Border Post-Op Ag. The anti-microbial dressing for surgical wound flexible self-adherent absorbent dressing coated with silicone layer after hip,  The porous structure of Mepitel allows exudate to pass into an outer absorbent dressing.

It handles more fluid and absorbs fluid faster than other foam dressings . It's conformable and versatile – you can use it to treat wounds with normal and viscous fluids, during any exuding wound healing stages.
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Mesorb ® is a soft, highly absorbent dressing which has high retention capacity for good exudate management. The fluid-repellent backing prevents outer contamination of the wound and protects clothes and bed linen from exudate strike-through. As the backing covers the sides of the dressing, it also prevents side leakage. Self-adherent all-in-one absorbent dressing for low to moderately exuding wounds Alldress The backing film acts as a barrier against microbes larger than 25nm and protects the wound from water – while helping to maintain a moist wound environment . Mepilex ® absorbent foam dressing is trusted around the world to treat a wide range of chronic and acute wounds.

e.g. Mepilex? and Mepitel?, together with surgical, absorbent and fixation dressings, e.g.
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As the backing covers the sides of the dressing, it also prevents side leakage.

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Mepore is soft, conformable, water repellent and radio parent. Super Absorbent Dressing 3M™ Tegaderm™ Superabsorber Polypropylene 3-7/8 X 7-7/8 Inch Sterile.

On Sale Absorbent Dressings products. Molnlycke Mextra Superabsorbent Non-Adhesive Dressing is suitable for the management of wounds with moderate to high volumes … Foam dressings Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes. We use cookies to improve your use and experience of Mölnlycke’s websites.