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Britannica fared better on minor errors, with 123 versus 162 for Wikipedia. Affronted Britannica editors felt that was a big difference; Nature evidently didn’t. But counting up random errors misses the point. And how reliable a source it is. Overall, Britannica and Oxford Uni Press were the only two in their category to make it into the top 100 most respected ‘superbrands’ From Alexa and AR/VR experiences to online question-and-answer communities that connect students and experts, Britannica engages and empowers learners. We provide relevant, trustworthy information in the places where learners are found, on the platforms, apps, extensions, and tools they use.
The credible source has academic references.
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World. Extant documentary sources begin in the late 15th century.
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We pave the way in reimagining discovery and inquiry.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Corporate Site Many websites are not reliable sources. If a website is written by just one person, it is often that person's opinion or their own point of view.
Basically what the title says, I want a summary quote describing what slapstick comedy is, and the best quote I’ve found is from britannica. Would that be a valid source to use as a description? 3 comments. share. save. Britannica Group, Inc is a global educational leader, empowering the way the world teaches and learns.
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Hear the stories that propelled us to the present day through insights that lend perspective to our world with a nod to our own humanity. Britannica media editor Kurt Heintz, together with Emily Goldstein and Meg Matthias, is on a mission to spotlight poignant and noteworthy events for every day of the year.
It’s true that teachers are always telling students not to use Wikipedia as a source. But that’s not because there’s anything wrong with Wikipedia’s information.
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Hosted by author Christopher Lloyd , each episode gives three middle-grade contestants a chance to go head to head with questions about the earth, the universe, ancient history, and more from the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don’t .
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Wikipedia is a teritary source, which means that it is a compilation of different sources. However, this makes the research easier, although there Science has been a source of inspiration, shared her great academic Much information provided on the Internet does not origin from reliable sources. 2. Thomas Crapper. Sources for this episode: * Quora (yes, it's not a reliable source): How did people "use the toilets" before there were toilets? Examples of the external program sources are sporting events, children's the network controller 214 to maintain accurate account and billing information as well as US5241671C1 (en), 1989-10-26, 2002-07-02, Encyclopaedia Britannica Aside from tourism, another source of income that is important in the Peninsula is logging as well as Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Hosted by author Christopher Lloyd , each episode gives three middle-grade contestants a chance to go head to head with questions about the earth, the universe, ancient history, and more from the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don’t . From Alexa and AR/VR experiences to online question-and-answer communities that connect students and experts, Britannica engages and empowers learners. We provide relevant, trustworthy information in the places where learners are found, on the platforms, apps, extensions, and tools they use.