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About Lina Jonsson: SE Producent, produktionsledare - PeoplePill
Lina JONSSON, PostDoc Position of deCODE genetics, Inc., Reykjavík | Read 22 publications | Contact Lina JONSSON Lina JONSSON, PostDoc Position | Cited by 384 | of deCODE genetics, Inc., Reykjavík | Read 22 publications | Contact Lina JONSSON Nina Strenn, Daniel Hovey, Lina Jonsson, Henrik Anckarsäter, Paul Lichtenstein, Agneta Ekman. 29th World Congress of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP), 22-26 June 2014; Vancouver, Canada - 2014-01-01. Associations between oxytocin-related genes and autistic-like. Kontakta Lina Jonsson Hoppman, 28 år, Stockholm. Adress: Vänskapsvägen 40, Postnummer: 112 65 - Hitta mer här! Lina Jonsson Jonsson gav 103 personer Karta. Lina Jonsson 22 år.
Tweet. The Berlin based Lina Jonsson, aka SPFDJ has announced the launch of her new label, Intrepid Skin.Two releases are already in the pipeline, with VTSS‘, ‘Self Will’ EP dropping this October. The Polish DJ and producer is already a familiar face at Warsaw’s infamous Brutaz parties, and her debut EP on Intrepid Skin will channel the techno, industrial and EBM sounds that provide SPFDJ’s On Cue Mix offers 66 minutes of relentless, fast-paced sounds, spanning techno, EBM, electro and trance. “It’s a bit of a departure from my usual style, but I’m all for trying out new things,” she says. On Cue is also Lina’s first three-deck mix ever.
Known for delivering blisteringly high-tempo techno with an uncompromising attitude, Lina Jonsson aka SPFDJ is heading to India for a 2-city tour Jeremy Underground Announces 2-City India Tour Explore releases from SPFDJ at Discogs. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from SPFDJ at the Discogs Marketplace. Lina E Jonsson: 04/10/2019 : Name: Lina Jonsson Degree: MPhys 2013 Description: Techno DJ aka SPFDJ; Manager, Intrepid Skin record label: Simon Rix: 31/08/2012 : Αφήνοντας πίσω την ζωή της στην Σουηδία, η Lina Jonsson ή αλλιώς SPFDJ κάνει τα πρώτα βήματα στο Λονδίνο, όπου και συμμετέχει μαζί με την ομάδα "Universe of Tang" στη διοργάνωση πειραματικών parties.
About Lina Jonsson: SE Producent, produktionsledare - PeoplePill
Born. Sweden. Based. Germany.
Lina Jonsson - Wikidata
Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. SPFDJ (a.k.a. Lina Jonsson), just got her first tattoo.“It’s a Ukrainian woman with four legs and saggy boobs,” she says while showing me the back of her arm. The week prior, Jonsson played in Kiev, where a local tattoo artist messaged her via Instagram to offer his services for free.
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Lina JONSSON, PostDoc Position of deCODE genetics, Inc., Reykjavík | Read 22 publications | Contact Lina JONSSON
Lina Jonsson, Elin Ljunggren, Anna Bremer, Christin T Pedersen, Mikael Landén, Kent Thuresson, MaiBritt Giacobini, Jonas Melke BMC medical genomics - 2010-01-01 Possible association between the androgen receptor gene and autism spectrum
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As for the deities and/or demons of techno, we can high-handedly say that 2019 was the year of VTSS (real name mentioned above) and SPFDJ (real name Lina Jonsson). With a powerful unique sound merging Techno, Hardcore, Acid, Trance and EBM, Lina Jonsson aka SPFDJ is setting new standards in the underground electronic music scene. She is one of the founding members and residents of infamous warehouse party Universe of Tang and co-runs the Cranial Handles transmission as well as the System.out sound system.
Adress: Ryttaregatan 3, Postnummer: 268 33 - Hitta mer här! Information och statistik för spelare Lina Jönsson.
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About Lina Jonsson: SE Producent, produktionsledare - PeoplePill
Spanish. Lina Jonsson.
About Lina Jonsson: SE Producent, produktionsledare - PeoplePill
Lina Jonsson.
Sommaren 2018 tror jag att allt fler sett att även vi påverkas, att vårt vädret påverkas av klimatet. Jonsson, Lina – Org.nummer: 781010-XXXX. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. Get free Outlook email and calendar, plus Office Online apps like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Sign in to access your Outlook, Hotmail or Live email account. Lina Jonsson Historical records and family trees related to Lina Jonsson.